Most who know me know that I have more of an “introvert personality”…..okay I’m an introvert! Recently, I had a conversation with a friend (another introvert) about our lives as introverts. We shared how often times, after a workday as public professionals, we are EXHAUSTED. Not because of physical demanding tasks, but because of using so much of our energy displaying extrovert characteristics. We both have to pull out our extrovert-ness (if that’s a word) to fulfill our positions. Our days are mostly filled with instructing students, assisting customers or staff meetings. There may even be times spent conducting presentations…..nevertheless we have learned that it takes a lot out of us! As introverts, we have to work extra hard to actively participate in our day-to-day situations. Thus, when our day is over…..we are pooped and just ready to go home and retreat.
Many will not understand it unless they are one too. Once there was a lady, high among the enlisted ranks, express that being in such a highly visible position was so rewarding yet so exhausting for her. After hearing her say that, I thought to myself, I get it! I could relate 100%. It was relief in knowing that I wasn’t alone.
Some may call it being anti –social, stuck-up, mean, quiet, not approachable……..nope, it’s none of that. It’s just simply being an introvert! To say all of this, doesn’t mean that I don’t like being around people but to perhaps give you a better understanding of me and so many others. Don’t expect for us to ever be the “life of any party”. A fun event to me may be simply enjoying a book or dinner for one or curling up on the couch to watch a great Hallmark movie! The freedom in it all, is being okay with being who I am. I encourage you all to be who you are and not allow people’s opinion to affect you! Be the best version of YOU!