Untitled poem by Adreanna P.

As I lay awake at night just thinking of the future and what lies ahead of me
Not knowing what your great plan will be
But trusting in you because your the one with the key
So I know that everything will turn out how you want it to be
If only I could get a glimpse of what it will be like
But I can’t so I will continue to have faith and live Christlike Yes, I fall short almost every time but you still think I’m worthy
So I want to thank you for showing me your grace and mercy
You didn’t have to but you did So I will continue to give you all the glory
Because you deserve it
You died on the cross for everyone’s sins so that we might live again So how dare we complain
How dare we think it’s not fair
Not understanding this is all apart of your plan
From the beginning to the end -Adreanna P