Interval Training

One morning, I chose to do cardio using my favorite machine, the stair climber. I have found that the stair climber provides great results for glutes and legs. So upon starting my workout, I selected the interval training program. I then started my worship music and began stepping.

As I looked at the pattern for my workout, I noticed that there would be some very easy points in my workout. During those times, I would have to give very little effort. Then, I also noticed some very hard and intense moments in the pattern as well. I knew that at those points, I would have to focus more and give a great deal of effort. Then it would go back to easy and then back to high intensity again. Changes in the intensity, exercises the heart muscle and improves our aerobic capacity. This ultimately leads to us being able to exercise longer and at more intense levels in the future.  

About halfway through my workout, I began to think about how interval training can be related to the life we live. Things may be going well and easy for us, then all of a sudden we are hit with a tests and trials. This causes things to get tough and the intensity to increase in our lives. During those times, we have to give a little more and push harder throughout our circumstances. But we keep our faith and remain steadfast as God sees us through. When we make it through to the other side, during our periods of rest and low intensity, we realize that we are better, stronger, and wiser because of what we went through prior. The trials and tribulations that we experience and go through, exercises our “heart muscle” and gives us the strength capacity that prepares us for the next set of tests and trials.

I encourage you all to look at life as if you are interval training. There will be some periods and chapters of our life that will easy and quiet all while things are going well. But other times will be heavy, difficult, and tough. Think about what we are supposed to be learning and gaining from those difficult times. Think about building our “heart muscle.”Remember that its there to teach us something. What doesn’t kill us, only makes us stronger, better, wiser and more prepared for what is to come!!!