Our Black Lives Do Matter!

I woke up this morning to chaos. Being deployed to Kuwait, I am currently 7 hours ahead of the US. Thus, I’m unaware of what happens at night in the US, until I wake the next morning. I began to see messages of things that scared me. Videos and pictures of parts of my city back home, being damaged and destroyed.

My heart breaks that our black sons/daughters/brothers/sisters are losing their lives to senseless violence. Violence from authority figures that we are supposed to be able to trust and count on to do the right things. I can’t understand why.

I am no longer naïve to the fact that racism is still alive. But the sad part about this is, that it’s being exposed at the cost of someone’s life. How do we get to the root cause of racism? Is it another form of hate? Is it another form of hurt? Are hate and hurt the root cause of it all? If so, how do we begin to fix it?

My devotion consisted of me asking God to HELP. We need His help like never before. We have members of a specific race, who hate the lives of those of another race. Then we have those members of that race who are angry, hurting, tired and fed up, but are expressing themselves in the wrong manner. Two wrongs will never make a right! Looting, violent protests, destroying people’s property, stealing, burning landmarks is not the way to express ourselves and definitely not the solution.    

My prayer is for my black sons and my black brothers and my black nephews and family members and friends to able to live their lives and not be afraid that their lives will be taken by hate. That they will not be afraid to go jogging. That they will not be afraid, when pulled over by the cops. That they will not be afraid that they will end up under the knee of a police officer and be the next case of senseless violence. But instead, they will be seen as EQUAL and not stereotyped by the color of their skin or how they look. That they will be treated as humans and SHOWN that their black lives DO matter.

The other part of my prayer is for healing. For God to heal the hate and the hurt in the lives of those who think it’s okay to take another person’s life because of the color of their skin. I pray for calmness and peace in America and the de-escalation of these violent protests. I declare peaceful protesting. I pray for us to know that God is in control and that He will protect us and keep us safe ALWAYS and give us clarity, understanding, wisdom, love and JUSTICE FOR ALL. Read Psalm 91…….

2 Replies to “Our Black Lives Do Matter!”

  1. Thank you for this prayer! I touch and agree that God heals the hearts of those who are struggling with anger, anxiety and hurt. #blacklivesmatter

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